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Here's how to make your 3D printer quieter for $ 2

Here is find out how to make your 3D printer quieter for $ 2

3D printing can take a long time and result in many printing overnight. But if you have one in your house, the noise can keep you or your family members busy. If you live in an apartment, you can keep the neighbors busy.

Stefan from CNC Kitchen found a solution that was developed after he had literally lost sleep over the noise of his printer: “I started putting cheap paving stones under my machines, which are available in many different sizes in hardware stores can. ”

Add some foam blocks underneath to protect your tabletop. Make sure there aren’t any wires rubbing the concrete and off you go. Most of the sound is eliminated.

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That’s the whole tip, but if you need to convince or just want to see more data, Stefan carefully measured the sound difference before / after in the video below. He also explains in detail why the piece of concrete works better than other noise control solutions:

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